
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Missions is at the heart of who we are at Kaufman Church.  Our desires is to share the Gospel with those who are near and far.  We connect with several missions groups in orders to share the Good New of Jesus through Word and Deed.    In addition, we encourage everyone at Kaufman to see their role as Missionaries to family, neighbors, friends and co-workers!  As Disciples of Jesus, we are to be His hands and feet in the world!

Everyone is a Missionary at Kaufman

sharing our faith is essential to being a disciple of jesus

We believe that all Christians are called to share their faith.  In order to to this well, we must be equipped.  QPlace offers great, practical resources to help believers become more confident in sharing their faith, as well as great Bible Study tools to lead small groups for those who are seeking to know more about what it means to be a Christian!

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to Hogar Enmanuel, honduras

Bill and Rona Hemminger will be leading a trip to the mission in the Fall of 2023.  If you would like more information bout going, please reach out to Rona by hitting the button below.